About Us

Why should our law firm and attorneys get listed?

Attorneys.co.za is the first point of call for thousands of individuals and companies,  in both Southern Africa and overseas, who are looking for local legal advice. Attorneys.co.za currently receives between 2 300 & 2 800 visitors a day (over 45 000 visitors a month) viewing an average of 11 pages each when visiting. A listing will ensure a steady stream of potential clients, who might otherwise never have found you or your website. The internet is a maze and it requires specialist websites like www.attorneys.co.za to point people towards you. 

What information is provided about the firm and the attorneys:

To ensure the public can make as informed a choice as is possible we have given law firms and attorneys the ability to make as comprehensive a listing as they could need. Both the law firm and attorneys have their own page and no limitations have been set to the amount of information that can be included. A person viewing the firms page can in one click view the attorneys in that firm, and visa versa from the attorney's page, view  the law firm details. The information that can be inserted includes: - firm and attorney name; tel no, fax no, telex, docex no, e-mail address; cell phone numbers; website link; postal and physical addresses; associated offices; specialities; firm and attorney history; company and attorney profile; years of experience; how  to find us and a contact person within the law firm. You are also able to insert the Firms logo, pictures, Map and each attorneys personal photograph on their individual pages.

How do you get your information inserted and keep it up to date:

One of the best features about www.attorneys.co.za is that each company is given a unique logon and password. You can insert new information, delete anything obsolete or update existing information or profiles and the changes are immediate. If you prefer us to insert the information,  you simply send it through to us and we will do the rest.

Are there any other benefits to joining :

Your pages on attorneys.co.za can be used as your website as well. For instance you could use the website address www.attorneys.co.za/myfirmsname as your website address. You can advertise job positions within your firm and make students aware that you are accepting articles. 

How do I get my firm and the attorneys within listed on www.attorneys.co.za?

There are two quick and easy ways of getting your firm and its attorneys listed on Attorneys.co.za. Simply visit our website at www.attorneys.co.za and register online at any time or contact us by email at enquiries@attorneys.co.za or by phone on 0861 114 619 during office hours and we'll email you the application form that needs to be complete. it could not be simpler!

Isn't a service like this very expensive?

No, the cost is negligible in terms of the benefits and the comparative cost of using other media.

Pricing is as follows:

Have a look at our pricing page by clicking here.

I have many other questions!

Give us a call on 0861 114 619 to have any other questions answered or visit the 'FAQ' section under the 'Law Firms register here' button on our website where we have posted answers to the more common questions posed.