Search Results
6 Attorneys or Lawyers and 5 Law Firms that practice Debt consolidation in Bellville / Durbanville
Esterhuyze Inc (Bellville, Tygervalley, Durbanville)
Years of Practice: 17We at Esterhuyze Inc focus on various branches of law such as debt collecting ( Individual and mass collections), Evictions, Divorce law and criminal law just to name a few. Our head office is in Worcester, but about 6 years ago we found it well to expand our business, wherefore we opened a branch ... click for more information
Voss Wiese Haggard Inc (VWH Attorneys) (Durbanville)
Years of Practice: 15Voss Wiese Haggard attorneys & Conveyancers (VWH Inc) was born from of a willingness and desire to serve clients that are in need of legal support. We base our service offering on knowledge, practical experience and care, care and client interest top of our list. VWH Attorneys is a well reputed law ... click for more information
Van den Heever Attorneys t/a VDH Attorneys (Bellville)
Years of Practice: 11VDH Attorneys is a boutique lawfirm with branches in the suburbs of Bellville, Wynberg and Grassy Park in the Western Cape. We are a general practice lawfirm that litigate in both Magistrates court and High Court. We further deal with the Master of the High court in estate related matters. Our clie... click for more information
Madeleyn Inc (Durbanville)
Years of Practice: 27Attorneys, Conveyancers and Notary, specialising in Property and Commercial Law and MVA claims. We realise our obligation towards our clients to ensure that our service and expertise is of an exceptional quality, and to deliver on this promise, we identify and select the best candidates possible, a... click for more information
Venter Van Eeden Incorporated (Bellville / Cape Town)
Years of Practice: 28VvE Inc. has grown into a thriving practice with expertise in various fields like Conveyancing, Criminal and Civil Litigation, Curatorships, Administration of Trusts & Estates and Personal Injury Claims, to name but a few, since we opened for business on the 10th of June 1997 with only two personnel... click for more information
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Jose De Wet
Years of Practice: 2 Position: AssociateMr. De Wet had years of service as a detective at the South African Police Service. He is a general practitioner, with his skills ranging from criminal defence, immigration matters, family law, Road accident fund matters to labour law. He will guide and assist you in a patient and sympathetic mann... click for more information
Erica Madeleyn
Years of Practice: 27 Position: ConsultantErica is a qualified attorney, conveyancer, notary, and family law mediator with wide-ranging experience in commercial law, family law, property law, notarial practice and divorce mediation. She practises as a consultant at our Durbanville branch. click for more information
Duncan Van den Heever
Position: AssociateDuncan is a practising Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. His areas of specialisation includes: Divorces, Evictions, Administration of Deceased estates, Debt Collecting and Commercial law. Duncan was admitted as an Advocate of the High Court in 2012 and converted to an Attorney on the 6t... click for more information
John Van Onselen
Years of Practice: 38 Position: AssociateExperienced Family law and Civil litigation Attorney. His expertease include: Drafting of contracts / agreements of sale / lease agreements / service level agreements Trial litigationCourt representationRoad accident fund mattersDivorce mattersChild maintenance / child custodyDrafting of willsDe... click for more information
Johann Voss
Years of Practice: 16 Position: DirectorJohann Voss obtained his qualification from the University of the Western Cape where he specialised in Tax law, Maritime Law and Banking Law. Johann Completed his articles at W A Barnard and Associates where he was placed in charge of the general practice and litigation department. Johann has devel... click for more information
Mariaan Wiese
Years of Practice: 11 Position: DirectorMariaan obtained her degree from the University of Stellenbosch in 2010. She completed her articles at Rurick McKaiser Attorneys where she dealt with commercial, litigation and property related matters before she joined Voss Attorneys in 2014. Mariaan is a hard worker and enjoys practising law. click for more information