The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

Madeleyn Inc (Durbanville)

Phone Number:
20, Durbanville
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Black Empowerment, Blacklistings, Business Law, Business Rescue, Capital Gains Tax, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Contracts, Conveyancing, Criminal, Custody, Debt Collections, Debt consolidation, Deceased Estates, Disability, Divorce, Estates, Evictions, Family Law, Franchising, General Practice, High Court Practice, Insolvency, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Leases, Liquidation, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Maritime Law, Matrimonial, MVA / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, Notary / Notaries Public, Partnership Agreements, Personal Injury, Property Law, Rehabilitation Orders, Rehabilitations, Road Accident Fund claim / 3rd Party claim, Sale of Business, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Shareholders Agreements, Taxation, Trusts, White Collar Crime, Wills, Wrongful Death
Years of Practice:
8 Vrede Street, Durbanville, Cape Town.
Western Cape / Cape Town
Bellville / Durbanville
Postal Address:
Po Box 1481, Durbanville, 7551
Other Offices:
6 Main Street, Vredenburg

Attorneys, Conveyancers and Notary, specialising in Property and Commercial Law and MVA claims.

We realise our obligation towards our clients to ensure that our service and expertise is of an exceptional quality, and to deliver on this promise, we identify and select the best candidates possible, and are committed to continuous training for our staff.

We are thus able to truly market ourselves as a company rendering an exceptional service, based on the professional guidelines set by legislation and business ethics. We are professionals and regard our ethical code as an important corner stone of our profession.

Madeleyn Incorporated is a leading law firm founded by Henry Madeleyn during 1997. Since then the firm grew to a metropolitan, cutting-edge leader in conveyancing, commercial law and litigation with branch offices in Durbanville and Vredenburg.

We recognize the political transformation process in South Africa and identify with the necessity and social responsibility of complying with the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Legislation. For this reason we accept that transformation within our own company is necessary to be able to endorse transformation in South Africa.

We are professionals and regard our ethical code as an important corner stone of our profession.

Henry Madeleyn, Nicolaas Johannes Pretorius, Nigel John Samuels, Erica Madeleyn
Contact Person:
Henry Madeleyn