Search Results

3 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Divorce in Strand

  1. Lombaard Burger Attorneys (Strand)
    Years of Practice: 29

    The firm is 29 years old and we still believe in giving our clients personal attention. Since the inception of the firm, we have strived to grow and diversify constantly to meet the needs of all our clients, no matter how big or small. The firm currently has a staff complement of 7. Hannelie Lomba... click for more information

  2. Badenhorst Attorneys Criminal Law Attorneys (Strand)

    Badenhorst Attorneys is a litigation and commercial law firm, with established offices in Strand and Somerset West. Our core practice areas include High Court Litigation (Criminal and Civil), Magistrates Court Litigation (Criminal and Civil), Deceased Estates Administration, Estate Planning, Conveya... click for more information

  3. Marius Stenekamp Attorneys (Strand)
    Years of Practice: 11

    Marius Stenekamp Attorneys practices in all areas of the law. We have a no nonsense approach with debt collection and we specialize in evicting defaulting tenants. We endeavour to provide the highest quality legal services to our clients, using a client-focused and practical approach to identify and... click for more information

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  5. Hannelie Lombaard
    Years of Practice: 28    Position: Director

    Hannelie Lombaard obtained her B Iuris degree from the University of the Free State and her LLB degree from UNISA. Hannelie worked for the Department of Justice for ± 15 years, during which she served as State Prosecutor, Magistrate and Regional Magistrate. Hannelie has been in private pract... click for more information

  6. Marius Stenekamp
    Years of Practice: 14    Position: Director

    Marius strives to be a preeminent lawyer by consistently delivering highly skilled, aggressive and ethical legal representation for a reasonable fee. click for more information