Search Results

62 Attorneys or Lawyers and 61 Law Firms that practice Administrative Law in Gauteng / Johannesburg

  1. Ndumiso Pedro Voyi
    Years of Practice: 15    Position: Director

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  2. Brandon Berleon Williams
    Years of Practice: 14    Position: Director

    Brandon has a long career in the legal field spanning over 19 years and 13 years as an admitted attorney. Brandon is experienced in dealing with many legal issue including commercial disputes, evictions, contractual disputes, family law and divorce matters, labour disputes and criminal matters. H... click for more information

  3. Leon Wollnik
    Years of Practice: 25    Position: Director

    Leon as an analytical personality type is very deep and thoughtful. He is a serious and purposeful individual. He sets a very high standard, so has a very high standards of performance personally and professionally. He is orderly and organized and also tends to have that really dry but witty sense o... click for more information

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