Search Results

469 Attorneys or Lawyers and 467 Law Firms that practice Company Law in South Africa

  1. Siyasanga Wotshela
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

    Siya was admitted as an attorney of the High Court in 2003 and has 18 years of relevant (post articles) experience. She obtained her Bluris and LLB degrees with the University of Western Cape and further obtained her LLM in Corporate Law with the University of South Africa (UNISA). Siya has also com... click for more information

  2. Alude Xuba
    Position: Director

    Alude Xuba, an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa holds LLB and LLM (Mercantile Law) degrees from the University of Pretoria. In addition he holds a certificate in media law from Wits University. Prior to practicing in his own account, Alude was a legal and regulatory counsel at a ... click for more information

  3. Peter Dominic Yazbek
    Years of Practice: 51    Position: Consultant

    Admitted 1973. Expertise: Family Law; High Court Litigation; Appeal Court Litigation and Magistrate's Court [Civil] Litigation, Commercial Law Department: Head Of High/Appeal Courts click for more information

  4. Eureka Zandberg (Previously Allin)
    Years of Practice: 20    Position: Director

    Obtained her LLB degree in 2002 and commenced her legal career in 2003 at a corporate firm. Admitted as an attorney in March 2005 ad successfully established her own practice in Cape town in 2006 and later established Faber & Allin Inc. Attorneys in Johannesburg in 2008. Holds Right of appearance... click for more information

  5. Krige Zietsman
    Years of Practice: 50    Position: Consultant - Litigation

    Krige is a senior attorney with more than 40 years of experience in civil litigation. click for more information

  6. Cyril Leonard Ziman
    Years of Practice: 49    Position: Director

    He was admitted as an attorney in 1967. He has enjoyed vast experience in civil and criminal law, including the arbitration, commercial litigation, corporate, insolvency (bankruptcy and winding-up) and matrimonial fields. click for more information

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