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717 Attorneys or Lawyers and 581 Law Firms that practice Property Law in South Africa

  1. Niel de Villiers
    Years of Practice: 19    Position: Director

    Niel de Villiers obtained his B.Proc. degree at the University of the Free State, after which he moved to Cape Town to do his articles. He was admitted as an Attorney in 2002 and started practicing as such in the Northern Suburbs where he was exposed to various fields of law. Niel developed a keen ... click for more information

  2. Leon van der Riel
    Years of Practice: 15    Position: Associate

    Leon obtained his B Iuris and B Proc degrees with the University of South Africa. He completed his national service in the South African Police Services where after he managed to secure a bursary with the Department of Justice to become a prosecutor. He however resigned and held positions as a foren... click for more information

  3. Ndi Modawu

    Ndi Modawu completed her LLB degree at the University of Pretoria. She served as a Jugde's Clerk based at the Transvaal Provincial Division for a year. Her fields of interest are property transactions, mining and commercial law. Ndi is at present involved in the Property Department. click for more information

  4. Johan Oelofse
    Position: Director

    Johan Oelofse is a Director since 1995. He attended the University of Potchefstroom where he completed the B Iuris and LLB degrees. Mr Oelofse also holds a LLM from the University of Pretoria and a Diploma in Labour Law. He is also a conveyancer. His fields of interest are Property Law, Family Law... click for more information

  5. June Marks
    Years of Practice: 23    Position: Partner

    "I will champion your case with the same tenacity that defines my legal practice. I don't believe in quitting; I'm relentless in the pursuit of justice. Get ready for an unwavering fight - June Marks doesn't back down!" Introducing Attorney June Stacey Marks: A Beacon of Legal Excellence Distingui... click for more information

  6. Bev Loubser
    Years of Practice: 28    Position: Director

    Bev Loubser obtained a B.Proc degree in 1996 from UNISA. She was admitted as an Attorney in 1997 and as a Conveyancer and Notary in 2003. Bev Loubser practiced at Kallmeyer & Strime (Rosebank) and Fluxmans Inc (Rosebank) before establishing her own firm in 2004. She received a Certificate from the ... click for more information

  7. Danie Rossouw
    Position: Consultant

    Daniel began his law career in Pretoria, Gauteng, where he opened his own law firm in 1994. Having relocated to Cape Town in 1996, Daniel and Sharon West teamed up to establish the current firm, which has a significant footprint in the ‘Deep South' of Cape Town. Daniel has a strong interest in... click for more information

  8. Sharon West
    Years of Practice: 37    Position: Principal

    Sharon commenced her working career in an attorney's firm in 1987. During this period, Sharon has gained invaluable experience in all areas of an attorney's practice. Sharon was originally appointed by Attorneys Rossouw in 2000 where she soon became the heartbeat of the firm with special emphasis on... click for more information

  9. Cris Riego De Dios
    Years of Practice: 26    Position: Consultant

    Cris is a senior commercial and litigation attorney with more than twenty years' experience. Cris specializes in general commercial work and the drafting of contracts, commercial litigation, property law and deceased estates, general civil litigation, and dispute resolution. Having a keen interest i... click for more information

  10. Johan (Tiaan) Heunis
    Position: Director

    Qualified and admitted Attorney and Conveyancer specialising in commercial, corporate and property law. He is a practical, commercially minded and business orientated professional and has a broad legal background with a combination of corporate and law firm practice working experience. He is a dedic... click for more information

  11. Bev  Raeburn
    Position: Senior Conveyancing Associate

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  12. Bradley Sparg
    Years of Practice: 16    Position: Director

    Bradley graduated at NMMU in 2006 with B.COM LLB. He commenced his Articles at Russell Incorporated in 2007 and was admitted as an Attorney in 2009. He became a Director at Russell Incorporate in 2012. Bradley specializes in Commercial Litigation and the drafting of Commercial Contracts as well as ... click for more information

  13. Niekie Pretorius
    Years of Practice: 27    Position: Director

    Niekie is a director specialising in conveyancing at both our Langebaan and Vredenburg branches. click for more information

  14. Henry Madeleyn
    Years of Practice: 30    Position: Founding Director

    Henry Madeleyn is the founding director and established the company in Vredenburg in 1997. click for more information

  15. Nigel Samuels
    Years of Practice: 28    Position: Director

    Nigel is a director specialising in criminal litigation. Nigel was admitted as an attorney in 1997 and has been practising criminal law since then. click for more information

  16. Wilhelm Weiss
    Position: Director

    Wilhelm is a Director and specializes in Personal Injury and Medical Negligence claims. Prior to joining MW Attorneys Wilhelm served his articles at Adams & Adams Attorneys and joined MW Attorneys during 2016. Wilhelm is Adaptive, Agile, Consistent and driven to deliver exceptional results. Wil... click for more information

  17. Fred van der Westhuyzen
    Years of Practice: 26    Position: Director

    Fred was appointed as an attorney and notary in January 1999. He started his career with BOE as a credit control manager of large accounts and, thereafter, moved to FNB where he was head of corporate recoveries for the Western-, Eastern- and Northern Cape regions, as well as the Gauteng region. He w... click for more information

  18. Andries Havenga
    Years of Practice: 41    Position: Associate

    Andries has been practising as an Attorney since 1983 and is qualified as a Notary and Conveyancer. He has 30 years experience as an attorney and is involved in various community service organisations and projects. He is a member of the Institute of Financial Markets and has lectured on Property law... click for more information

  19. Jacobus Kotzé Van Wyk
    Years of Practice: 22    Position: Director

    Kotzé obtained B Com LLB at the University of Stellenbosch in 1994. After doing his articles in the Western Caoe, he was admitted as an attorney and conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa in 1997. He then moved to Uitenhage as partner of an existing firm and a few years later became a... click for more information

  20. Mariska Van Zyl
    Years of Practice: 4    Position: Professional Assistant

    MARISKA NIEMAND VAN ZYL was born on the 16th day of March 1995. She matriculated in 2013 at Afrikaans High School Sasolburg, where she was the Head Girl, and Editor of the school newspaper. She studied at the North West University as well as University of South Africa where she obtained her BCom ... click for more information

  21. Hesmarie Swart
    Years of Practice: 20    Position: Attorney/Conveyancer/Notary

    Hesmarie is skilled in Deeds, Conveyancing, Pleadings, Legal Writing, and Corporate Law. click for more information

  22. Alyssa Moonsamy
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    Alyssa completed her LLB through the University of Johannesburg and obtained a Bachelor of Law (LLB) in 2012. After her studies, she attended full-time Practical Legal Training through Legal Education and Development. She was admitted as an Attorney of the North Gauteng High Court of South Africa in... click for more information

  23. Janine Schoeman
    Years of Practice: 10    Position: Director

    Janine successfully completed her Bachelor of Commerce in Law (Bcom Law) and Bachelor of Law (LLB) through the University of South Africa, were majority of her subjects were completed with distinction. After her studies she attended full-time Practical Legal Training through LEAD. Janine then articl... click for more information

  24. Judith Williams
    Years of Practice: 13    Position: Legal Practioner

    A qualified and admitted Notary Public A qualified and admitted Conveyancer Currently a member of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces. Judith has been in the legal practice since 1997. Judith provides innovative solutions to the ever-changing circumstances in the market, whether from a legal ... click for more information

  25. Yolandi M Watson
    Position: Legal Practitioner - Head of Bonds & Cancellations

    Yolandi has a BCom with specialisation in Law degree and an LLB degree. She has been with the firm since 2011 and functions as the office manager, compliance officer, attorney and conveyancer. Yolandi has extensive experience with the bond registration process from receipt of instructions to registr... click for more information

  26. Albri Voges
    Position: Director

    Albri joined Millers, Inc, in 1999, as a conveyancing specialist. He studied part time and obtained his LL.B degree where after he was appointed as an Associate at Millers. During this period, he was involved in a vast variety of property-related matters including residential and commercial developm... click for more information

  27. Fanie Botes
    Position: Consultant

    Fanie has served as managing director of Millers for 18 years until March 2019 when Salomé van Wyk took over this function. Fanie still plays an important role in the management of the firm and acts as mentor for Salomé. He took over the Commercial Department in 2010, after spending ... click for more information

  28. Salome van Wyk
    Position: Managing Director

    Salomé joined Millers Inc. in 1989 and has been a director in the Conveyancing Department since 1992. She was inspired to undertake a career in property law because contract law is her favourite discipline. In her early career, Salomé practised as a litigation attorney where she conce... click for more information

  29. Madeleine Goldie
    Position: Director

    Madeleine joined Millers in 2003 and was appointed as a director of the firm's George office in 2007. Madeleine is an admitted attorney and conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa. She was also admitted as a notary public in 2009 and currently practises in the Conveyancing Department of the f... click for more information

  30. Bernard Van Biljon
    Years of Practice: 30    Position: Director - Head of Conveyancing

    Bernard joined the erstwhile partnership of Van Zyl Le Roux and Hurter as a professional assistant in 1988 and upon the incorporation of the partnership into a professional company in 1989, Bernard became a director of VZLR. Bernard heads VZLR's Conveyancing and Real Estate Department, attending to... click for more information

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