Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice High Court Practice in Newcastle

  1. DBM Attorneys, Notary, Conveyancers, Deceased Estates, Estate Planning (Newcastle)
    Years of Practice: 51

    As a leading firm of attorneys in KwaZulu-Natal we will strive in the best interests of each client to: Give expert advice in specialised fields; Constantly improve the professional services we offer; Act professionally, objectively, honestly and independently at all times; Offer an efficient... click for more information

  2. Attorney Search Results

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  3. Anandroy Ramdaw
    Years of Practice: 41    Position: Director

    Attorney 37 Years Conveyancer 32 Years Solicitor England and Wales 19 Years Barrister/Solicitor Australia 15 Years International Arbitrator Acting Judge Labour Court Past Ccma Commissioner who handled over 2500 Employment Law disputes click for more information