Search Results
1 Attorney or Lawyer and 2 Law Firms that practice Litigation (Corporate) in Westville
Pravda and Knowles Attorneys (Westville)
Years of Practice: 35Pravda & Knowles is arguably one of the busiest Family & Commercial Law practices in KwaZulu-Natal, specialising in these fields for over three decades. Our dedication to service excellence and success in the Courtroom has earned us the title of being a dynamic law firm with a big heart but a no non... click for more information
Daly Morris Fuller Inc (Durban, Westville)
Years of Practice: 52We aim to provide our clients, both corporate and individual, with personal, prompt and effective service, distinguished by our commitment to courtesy, specialisation and skill, rendered with a high degree of effort in a cost-effective manner, reflecting our genuine respect for our valued clients. ... click for more information
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Chantele Schutzler
Years of Practice: 20 Position: Managing DirectorChantele is a family law attorney and litigation attorney. Chantelé did her undergrad at the University of Natal, then travelled and worked overseas for three years before returning to South Africa, where she worked for a year before resuming her studies. In 2002, Chantelé completed ... click for more information