Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 3 Law Firms that practice High Court Practice in Westville

  1. Andrew Scott Attorneys Inc. (Westville / Cowies Hill)
    Years of Practice: 15

    Andrew Scott Attorneys Inc. is a law firm based in Westville but we operate throughout the greater Durban and Upper Highway areas and beyond. We specialise in Family Law, Property & Conveyancing, Estate Planning & Administration and Civil Litigation. Andrew Scott is an attorney, Notary Public and... click for more information

  2. Daly Morris Fuller Inc (Durban, Westville)
    Years of Practice: 52

    We aim to provide our clients, both corporate and individual, with personal, prompt and effective service, distinguished by our commitment to courtesy, specialisation and skill, rendered with a high degree of effort in a cost-effective manner, reflecting our genuine respect for our valued clients. ... click for more information

  3. Pravda and Knowles Attorneys (Westville)
    Years of Practice: 35

    Pravda & Knowles is arguably one of the busiest Family & Commercial Law practices in KwaZulu-Natal, specialising in these fields for over three decades. Our dedication to service excellence and success in the Courtroom has earned us the title of being a dynamic law firm with a big heart but a no non... click for more information

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  5. Andrew Scott
    Years of Practice: 16    Position: Director

    Andrew completed his LLB degree and served his articles in Durban in 2007. He joined John Hudson & Co in Morningside and focussed on family law, conveyancing and civil litigation. He became a partner of that firm in 2013 and was admitted as a conveyancer in 2015 and as a notary public in 2018. Andr... click for more information