Search Results
1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Sale of Business in Vryheid
GJ Vonkeman Attorneys (Vryheid)
Years of Practice: 26GJ Vonkeman Attorneys commenced business on 25 May 1998. It has come a long way from its humble beginnings having developed in addition to its general practice, a conveyancing-and specialised debt-collections department, serving and catering for all our client's legal needs. We are a small hands on... click for more information
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Gert-Juul Vonkeman
Years of Practice: 18 Position: DirectorGert-Juul Vonkeman finalised the post graduate degree LLB in 1993 and completed his Contract of Articles in the same year. Compulsary Military service was endured as a military legal adviser, whereafter he commenced practise in 1995 in Vryheid. After a stint as professional assistant and in partners... click for more information