Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Industrial Relations in Richards Bay

  1. Lambert & Associates (Richards Bay)
    Years of Practice: 19

    Our Vision is to continue our tradition as an independent law firm committed to excellent service and the protection of our client's interests, while upholding the standards of our profession. We are committed to delivering practical and sustainable results and are committed to: Fair and competi... click for more information

  2. Attorney Search Results

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  3. Ashnee Lambert
    Years of Practice: 22    Position: Director

    Ashnee concentrates on all aspects of litigation, and specialises in employment law litigation. She is a part time CCMA Commissioner and sits as a panellist on various Bargaining Councils. She is also a board member and renders legal assistance to Reaching Out, a non-profit organisation for domestic... click for more information