Search Results
1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Conveyancing in Highlands North
Myers Attorneys Inc (Silvamonte, Johannesburg)
Myers Attorneys is a boutique, solution-driven firm focusing on Commercial, Conveyancing, Labour and Litigation law. Our aim is to deliver implementable solutions that deliver long-term results, and “futureproofing” our clients. Myers is unconventional, personal and with us there is no B... click for more information
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Giuseppina Amore
Years of Practice: 28 Position: DirectorGiuseppina Amore completed her B.A. and L.L.B. degrees at WITS University and then took a “gap” year by studying full time at WITS for a Diploma in Translations from/to English, Italian and French. She was admitted as an Attorney in 1996, as a Conveyancer in 1999 and as a Notary in 2001.... click for more information