Search Results
1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Litigation (Insurance) in Barberton
Mabuza MG Attorneys (Barberton)
Mabuza MG Attorneys - Bameli - Boqweta - Prokureurs offers Criminal & Civil litigation in both the Magistrate's Court & the High Court. We provide high quality legal services to people from all walks of life. Our aim is to effectively collaborate with different stakeholders & to remain the most reli... click for more information
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Mancoba Goodenough Mabuza
Position: DirectorMr. Mabuza is an Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. He graduated with a LLB degree (cum laude) from the University of Venda. Mr. Mabuza's previous work experience includes: Nkosi (M.M) Attorneys, The National Department of Tourism: Legal Services, The University of Witwatersrand La... click for more information