Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Divorce in Plettenberg Bay

  1. Mosdell Pama & Cox (Plettenberg Bay)
    Years of Practice: 31

    With offices in both Knysna and Plettenberg Bay MPC is the biggest law firm in the Knysna Plettenberg Bay area. We strive for Expertise. We have sufficient lawyers at our offices to specialise in all the areas you may need help in. Each office has three partners and ten staff members. In total ther... click for more information

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  3. Perino Pama
    Years of Practice: 25    Position: Director

    Perino practices mainly at our Plettenberg Bay offices. He served articles in Cape Town at Bernadt, Vukic, Potash and Getz and was admitted to practice in April 1992. He was employed by Hofmeyr Herbstein & Gihwala in Cape Town as a professional assistant until October 1993. Perino Pama attends to co... click for more information