Search Results

2 Attorneys or Lawyers and 2 Law Firms that practice Company Law in Vanderbijlpark

  1. CMM Attorneys Inc (Vanderbijlpark)
    Years of Practice: 17

    CMM Attorneys is a dynamic law firm that strives to provide personal attention to each client. Our office is situated in Vanderbijlpark and we have consultation facilities in Johannesburg. CMM is involved with Conveyancing and Litigation Matters throughout South Africa. We offer an encompassing arr... click for more information

  2. GW Raath Attorneys (Vanderbijlpark)
    Years of Practice: 3

    We render excellent legal services with our pragmatic and analytical approach which proves us more right than wrong. With more than 20 years in various sectors, the legal services what we offer does not only comprise legal knowledge but also business accumen and in depth knowledge of business proces... click for more information

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  4. Jan Gysbert Louw
    Years of Practice: 38    Position: Director

    Gys qualified in 1986 and was admitted as an attorney in the same year. An experienced professional with over 27 years' experience practicing at a senior level. Gys is a highly respected attorney with his main focus being on commercial and corporate law. As the senior director, Gys has over 28 years... click for more information

  5. Gideon Raath
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

    I have extensive litigation experience in both high courts and magistrate's courts. We however would like to assist you beforehand so that you avoid expensive litigation costs. Please contact us for a risk assessment as soom as possible click for more information