Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 2 Law Firms that practice Mediation in Vereeniging

  1. Bernice de Beer Attorneys Inc (Vereeniging)

    BDB Attorneys is an exceptionally unique Law Firm based in Vereeniging, offering a variety of services at affordable prices. A thriving passion for the law and our judicial system has resulted in BDB Attorneys being acknowledged for our client-centered approach, going above and beyond the ordinary c... click for more information

  2. Marais Attorneys (Vereeniging)
    Years of Practice: 19

    Marais Attorneys is a family operated law firm, based on family values and ethics. Since our founding in 2004, we experienced exceptional growth and expansion which lead to our broad client base. We are known to serve our clients' interest by offering a comprehensive, yet cost effective solution to ... click for more information

  3. Attorney Search Results

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  4. Bernice de Beer
    Years of Practice: 14    Position: Director

    Bernice is an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa, with right of appearance in the High Court. Bernice takes care of our Civil, Criminal, Family, and Labour Court as well as Deceased Estates departments. Bernice has over 12 years of experience in practice and still enjoys learning every day. ... click for more information