The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

M F Oosthuizen Attorneys (Bellville)

Phone Number:
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Association Agreements, Bankruptcy Law, Blacklistings, Business Law, Children's Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Credit Law, Criminal, Custody, Debt Collections, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Drunk Driving, Estates, Evictions, Family Law, High Court Practice, Insolvency, Leases, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Notary / Notaries Public, Property Law, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Trusts, Wills
Years of Practice:
83 Sixteenth Avenue, Boston, Bellville
Western Cape / Cape Town
Bellville / Durbanville
Postal Address:
P O Box 1088, Sanlamhof, 7532

M F Oosthuizen Attorneys was established by Marius Oosthuizen in January 2004 and is he still the sole owner of the practice. We have since build a strong energetic team, which is up to any challenge. We spcialise in 'n wide range of legal fields and also act as correspondent for attorneys, locally and internationally.

Family Law
Our legal team acknowledges the importance of family life and the fact that a family unit is one of the integral parts of life.

In the process of giving expression to the above, we will assist, advise and guide you with all family related legal aspects.

Whether it's assisting you with the legal aspects of your engagement (for example drawing up an Antenuptial Contract before marriage) or your marriage or partnership in starting a new family (for example assisting you in estate planning, drafting of your will, formation of Trusts).

Furthermore we will assist, advise and guide you in post-marriage related legal aspects. We specialise in Family mediation – particularly divorces, reaching settlement agreements, including all matters pertaining your children's rights inter alia care, contact and maintenance, especially unauthorized removal of children to foreign jurisdictions.

Wills and Estates
The most important question to ask yourself when you read this is: 'What will happen to my estate and loved ones if tomorrow never comes?'

The general misperseption is that you only need a will if you have an estate. Though this true to a certain extend it is of utmost importance to have a will if you have minor children for the important reason that you not only have to appoint guardians in your will, but also dictate as to how to manage your estate in favour of your minor children. We will guide you through the process and not only draft your will, but also register your trusts.

If deemed necessary, we will assist you in the formation and administration of Trusts. For example, to make provision for your children, if you are not in the position to take care of them yourself.

We also specialise in the winding up of deceased and insolvent estates and companies.


Registration and Formation of Business Entities
We not only specialise in the registration of business entities, but we also advise our clients as to the right entity for their specific business purpose (taking into account tax and personal liability aspects of the partners) and drafting the relevant contracts to also ensure a healthy relation between the business partners.

Drafting of Contracts
The best time to draft a contract is during the initial negotiations or as soon as possible subsequent thereto as the agreement not only stipulates the terms of the relationship, but also stipulates each partner’s responsibilities.

We are also litigation attorneys which gives us the edge in drafting contracts as we have firsthand experience in most things that go wrong between partners, either because of the absence of a business agreement or of a poorly drafted agreement.

Business Risk
We also advise our clients as to potential risk in businesses, which risks are, but are not limited to, inter alia:

  1. Co-ownership and risks with regard to transfer of ownership at partner’s death – will a stranger inherit the deceased partner’s share OR will the business (remaining partners) be financially in position to buy his share…
  2. The debit and/or credit loan accounts of the respective partners
  3. Sureties by the/a partner in favour of the business
  4. Drafting of tax and business friendly Buy and Sell Agreements
  5. Drafting of tax and business friendly Contingent Liability agreements

We advise and assist our clients regarding their rights and claims taking in consideration both legal costs and time it would take to litigate.

It is our promise to act with the utmost discretion to reach the most time and cost effective results.

Should settlement not prove possible, we represent our clients in any relevant court. We have enjoyed great success in bringing cases to a positive outcome.


M F Oosthuizen Attorneys was established by Marius Oosthuizen in January 2004, who is still the sole owner. We have since build a strong energetic team, which is up to any challenge. We spcialise in a wide range of legal fields and also act as correspondent for attorneys, locally and internationally.

Marius Oosthuizen
Line Veldsman