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Van Wyk Van Heerden Attorneys (Paarl)

Phone Number:
12 Paarl
Email address:
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Administrative Law, Adoption, Agriculture, Antenuptial Contracts, Anti-discrimination, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Bankruptcy Law, Bills of Legal Costs, Black Empowerment, Business Law, Business Rescue, Capital Gains Tax, Children's Rights, Civil, Civil Unions, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Conservation and Wildlife, Constitutional, Constitutional Class Actions, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Credit Law, Curatorship / Curator Bonis, Custody, Debt Collections, Debt Review, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Education Law, Emotional Will, Employee Benefits, Employee Share Incentive Schemes, Employment Equity, Engineering, Environmental Law, Estates, Evictions, Expropriation Law, Family Law, Finance (Structured), Fire Claims , Foreclosures, Franchising, Fraud, Fraud Recovery, Gaming Law, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, General Practice, Government Tenders, High Court Practice, Human Rights, Industrial Law, Industrial Relations, Insolvency, Insurance Law, International Child Abduction, International Transactions , Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Land Claims, Land Rights, Leases, Licensing, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Constitutional), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Land Claims Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Litigation (Tax), Local Government Law, Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Municipal Law, Notary / Notaries Public, Partnership Agreements, Pensions and Retirement Funds, Personal Injury, Planning Law, Professional negligence, Property Law, Rehabilitation Orders, Rehabilitations, Sale of Business, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Servitudes, Sexual Harassment, Shareholders Agreements, Sports, State Negligence, Taxation, Township Establishment, Trade and Industry, Trusts, Water Law, Wills, Wrongful Death
Years of Practice:
296 Main Street, Paarl
Western Cape / Cape Town
Postal Address:
P O Box 362, Paarl, 7620
Associated Offices:
Underwoods Solicitors, United Kingdom
Other Offices:
Unit B404, Polo Village Offices, Val de Vie Winelands & Lifestyle Estate

Van Wyk Van Heerden Attorneys (previously Van Wyk Fouchee) Incorporated has its origins in Paarl during the 1930's when Solomon Miller opened an office in Paarl.  He was joined by Hymie Maisel in 1952, and the present senior director, Anville van Wyk, joined the firm in 1977. 

The firm was incorporated in 1995 with the first directors being Anville van Wyk and Piet Fouchee.  Nazlee Abrahams joined in the year 2000, Willem van Heerden in 2013 and Charl Ackermann was appointed as director during 2017.

Today VAN WYK VAN HEERDEN INC prides itself of being a boutique attorneys firm in Paarl, Western Cape, and  providing excellent and professional services to its diverse and growing client base, all over the world.

Our attorneys are business-minded and focused on providing pragmatic and innovative commercial solutions to business and related legal and personal  issues.

The firm has positioned itself at the higher end of the market.

In order to preserve a lasting legacy in the Paarl legal fraternity the firm rebranded and changed its name to VAN WYK VAN HEERDEN INC in 2017.

Anville van Wyk, Nazlee Abrahams, Willem van Heerden, Charl Ackermann, Carla Geldenhuys.
Contact Person:
Anville van Wyk