The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

C.A. Mather Incorporated - Family Law Specialist (Ferndale, Randburg)

Phone Number:
Email address:
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Antenuptial Contracts, Bankruptcy Law, Blacklistings, Children's Rights, Commercial, Contracts, Conveyancing, Custody, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family Law, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, General Practice, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (General), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Partnership Agreements, Property Law, Wills
Years of Practice:
No. 7 Dunwest Place, 427 West Avenue,Ferndale, Randburg
Gauteng / Johannesburg

Divorce no matter how amicable is sad and brutal. I have been an attorney for 40 years. During this time I have gained vast experience in many areas of law. It is my belief that empathy and a personal approach is important, particularly in divorce and general family matters.

Our practice is situated in Randburg in the province of Gauteng, South Africa. We cannot focus on all areas of the law and do not claim to.

For this reason we associate with a number of other small firms who focus on areas that we do not. We are thus able to provide our clients with a wide range of services on a referral basis.

Our office hours are 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Contact by e-mail can of course be made at any time.

Please view our website at" for further info.

C A Mather
Contact Person:
Chris Mather

Map & Directions
