The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

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Barnard Incorporated (Brooklyn)

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Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Administrative Law, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Banking, Bankruptcy Law, Black Empowerment, Business Law, Capital Gains Tax, Children's Rights, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Commodity Trading Law, Communications and Media, Company Law, Company Registrations, Competition Law, Constitutional, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Copyright, Corporate, Credit Law, Custody, Customary Marriage Law, Debt Collections, Debt consolidation, Deceased Estates, Defamation, Designs and Copyrights, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Due Diligence Audits, Education Law, Employment Equity, Engineering, Evictions, Exchange Control, Family Law, Finance (Corporate), Finance (Project), Finance (Structured), Foreclosures, Franchising, Fraud, Fraud Recovery, Gaming Law, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, General Practice, Government Tenders, Health Care, High Court Practice, Human Rights, Immigration / Emigration, Industrial Law, Industrial Relations, Information Technology, Insolvency, Insurance (Marine), Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, International Transactions , Internet Law / E-Commerce, Investment Funds, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Land Claims, Leases, Licensing, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Constitutional), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Land Claims Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Litigation (Tax), Local Government Law, Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Medical Negligence, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mine Health and Safety, Mineral Law/Rights, Mining, Municipal Law, Notary / Notaries Public, Partnership Agreements, Patents, Personal Injury, Pharmaceutical, Plant Breeder’s Rights, Privatisations, Procurement Law, Professional negligence, Property Law, Publishing, Sale of Business, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Sexual Harassment, Shareholders Agreements, State Negligence, Surrogacy Law, Taxation, Taxation (International), Telecommunications, Trade and Industry, Trademarks, Trusts, Water Law, White Collar Crime
Years of Practice:
266 Bronkhorst Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
Gauteng / Pretoria
Postal Address:
P O Box 10780, Centurion, 0046

Barnard Inc. Attorneys is a full-service law firm providing a wide range of legal services, including corporate and commercial law, property law, commercial litigation, insurance and family law.

Since our establishment in 1998, Barnard Inc. has grown to become one of the largest independent Tshwane-based law firms and our attorneys advise listed and private companies, individuals, and local and foreign organisations across South Africa and internationally.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday:  8:00am–4:30pm
Weekends:  Closed

Douw Breed, Andries Stander, Koos Benadie, Sally Tlokana, George Herbst, Conri Botha
George Hebrst, Pieter Walters, Stefaans Gerber, Eloise Cilliers, Wilco Du Toit, Philip Roberts, Janie Venter, Isabel van den Ende, Ariza Vermeulen, Derek Brits, Izak du Toit, Danielle Mylie
Contact Person:
Mark Beckman

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