The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

Creighton Attorneys Gauteng (Boksburg)

Phone Number:
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Anti-discrimination, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Bail, Bail (24hrs / After Hours), Bankruptcy Law, Bills of Legal Costs, Black Empowerment, Blacklistings, Business Law, Business Rescue, Capital Gains Tax, Children's Rights, Civil, Civil Unions, Climate Change & Carbon Trading , Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Communications and Media, Company Law, Company Registrations, Constitutional, Constitutional Class Actions, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Credit Law, Criminal, Curatorship / Curator Bonis, Custody, Cyber - Bullying / Defamation / Stalking, Debt Collections, Debt consolidation, Defamation, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Dog Bite Law / Claims, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Employee Benefits, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Evictions, Expropriation Law, Family Law, Fire Claims , General Practice, High Court Practice, Insolvency, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Land Claims, Leases, Liquidation, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Constitutional), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Land Claims Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Maritime Law, Matrimonial, Mediation, Mine Health and Safety, Municipal Law, MVA / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, Notary / Notaries Public, Occupational Health and Safety, Outsourcing, Partnership Agreements, Property Law, Sale of Business, Sequestrations, Shareholders Agreements, Social Media, State Negligence, Taxation, Trusts, Unlawful Arrest, Waste Law, White Collar Crime, Wills
Years of Practice:
7A Alice Avenue, Comet, Boksburg (cnr Rondebult & Rietfontein)
Gauteng / Johannesburg
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 10370, Fonteinriet, Boksburg, 1464
How to find us:
From Johannesburg - Travel N12 Highway in the direction of Witbank, take Rondebult road offramp and cross approximately 4 (four) trafficlight controlled intersections; turn left in Rietfontein road and, immediately right into Alice Avenue.

Creighton Attorneys Gauteng offer a wide selection of legal services, our employees are focused on providing our clients with accurate and swift legal assistance at competitive tariffs, presenting innovative solutions and outlook to our forever changing legal systems.

*Sincerity* Honesty* Loyalty*

We are dedicated to:

  • Provide our Clients with accurate and honest legal advice and / or assistance.
  • To determine and clarify our clients legal issues.
  • Provide our services at competitive tariffs and in a cost effective manner.
  • Put our clients first in our business objectives.
  • Build long-term service relationships with our clients and remain committed to them.
  • Create the highest level of trust with all.
  • Set the pace in service excellence and client satisfaction.

*Prevention is better than cure!

Creighton & Associates is a well established Litigation Law Firm on the Eastrand.

Our Litigation includes:

  • Labour
  • Civil
  • Criminal

We also attend to the following:

  • Commercial & Residential Rental


  • Constitutional matters
  • Consumer court disputes
  • Motor vehicle claims
  • Collections
  • Drafting of Contracts
  • Sale of Shares/Businesses
  • Family Law
  • ITC records and corrections
  • Insurance Claims
  • Building Claims(NHBRC)
  • Disciplinary Hearings
  • Wills
  • Contractual Disputes
  • SHEQ Consulting & Training
  • INHOUSE Legal consulting
  • Legalcompliance

B Creighton (B Proc ; Cert. Labour Law , Cert. Conveyancing).
Contact Person:
Barney Creighton

Map & Directions
