The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

Theron & Maybery Attorneys (Sunninghill, Sandton)

Phone Number:
086 547 6070
Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Children's Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Credit Law, Custody, Debt Collections, Divorce, Domestic Partnerships, Employment Law, Evictions, Family Law, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, General Practice, High Court Practice, International Child Abduction, Labour Law, Leases, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Partnership Agreements, Property Law, Rehabilitations, Sale of Business, Sequestrations, Shareholders Agreements, Surrogacy Law, Wills
Years of Practice:
1 Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill, Sandton, Gauteng
Gauteng / Johannesburg
Postal Address:
P O Box 2144 , Rivonia, 2128

We offer a full range of legal services : Ante-nuptial Contracts, Wills, Agreements, Contracts, Consumer Law, Divorce, High Court, Regional Court,  Magistrates Court, Civil Litigation, Evictions/lease agreements, Labour Law, Debt Recovery, Collections, Cohabitation Agreements and Disputes, Same Sex relationships, Children’s rights, Family Law, including but not limited to relocations, disputes pertaining to parental rights and responsibilities, residency, contact, guardianship, adoptions, etcetera.

Our sevices are to private individuals and corporate clients, at affordable rates. We are a team of dynamic attorneys who are driven by our passion for the law and the desire to succeed. At Theron and Maybery Attorneys, our clients are our greatest and most valuable asset and we continually strive to ensure that their needs are met to the fullest.

We run a general practice with a wide range of services for individuals and corporate entities, ranging from commercial litigation, to divorce and family law (adoptions, parental rights and responsibilities, disputes pertaining to primary rights of residence, relocation applications, etc).

Angela Theron obtained her LLB degree from the University of South Africa and has practiced law since she commenced her articles in 2003. Karen Maybery obtained an LLB degree from the University of Johannesburg (formerly the Rand Afrikaans University) as well as a certificate in corporate Law and Securities from the University of South Africa and has practiced law since she commenced her articles in 2007.

We pride ourselves in our ability to provide our clients with a high quality and personal service. We ensure that we are available at all hours to meet our clients’ needs. The partners, Angela Theron and Karen Maybery, adopt a “hands on” and personal approach and bring several years of acquired knowledge, experience and extensive exposure and success to a full and wide spectrum of services. Our clients are private individuals and well recognised small and medium sized private companies who have good standing in the business sector.

Angela Theron
Contact Person:
Angela Theron