The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

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Barney Creighton

Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Anti-Corruption Compliance, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Bail, Bail (24hrs / After Hours), Black Empowerment, Blacklistings, Business Law, Children's Rights, Civil, Civil Unions, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Constitutional, Constitutional Class Actions, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Credit Law, Criminal, Curatorship / Curator Bonis, Custody, Cyber - Bullying / Defamation / Stalking, Debt Collections, Debt consolidation, Debt Review, Defamation, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Dog Bite Law / Claims, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Employee Benefits, Employment Equity, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Evictions, Expropriation Law, Family Law, Fire Claims , Fraud, High Court Practice, Insolvency, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Land Claims, Land Rights, Leases, Liquidation, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Constitutional), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Land Claims Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Local Government Law, Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Mine Health and Safety, Municipal Law, MVA / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, Occupational Health and Safety, Partnership Agreements, POPI Act (POPIA) / Data Protection / Privacy Law, Property Law, Rehabilitation Orders, Rehabilitations, Sale of Business, Servitudes, Shareholders Agreements, Social Media, State Negligence, Trusts, Unlawful Arrest, Waste Law, Wills
Phone Number:
Cell Number:
Director Creighton Attorneys Gauteng
Years of Practice:
7A Alice Avenue, Comet, Boksburg (cnr Rondebult & Rietfontein)
Gauteng / Pretoria
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 10370, Fonteinriet, Boksburg, 1464
B Proc. ;Cert. Labour Law ; Certificate Conveyancing
  • Completed Studies at the University of the Northwest in 1998.
  • Completed articles at the end of 2000.
  • Was employed as litigation attorney at Ben Steyn Inc for 3(three) years.
  • Director of Creighton Attorneys from 2004 until present.

Afrikaans, English