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Anisa Khan

Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Arbitration, Bail, Bail (24hrs / After Hours), Bills of Legal Costs, Capital Gains Tax, Children's Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial Drafting, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Criminal, Custody, Debt Collections, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Drunk Driving, Estates, Evictions, Family Law, Fraud, Fraud Recovery, General Practice, High Court Practice, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Land Claims Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Litigation (Tax), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Medical Negligence, MVA / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, Partnership Agreements, Rehabilitation Orders, Road Accident Fund claim / 3rd Party claim, Sale of Business, State Negligence, Taxation, Trusts, White Collar Crime, Wills, Wrongful Death
Phone Number:
Cell Number:
Email address:
Years of Practice:
131 Ridgeton Towers, 6 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban
Kwazulu Natal / Durban
Postal Address:
PO Box 3002, Prestondale, Umhlanga, 4021
Anisa Khna has a BA LLB degree acquired from the University of KwaZulu Natal. She is a conveyancer, with right of admission in the High Court. Anisa has a Diploma in Taxation acquired from the Rand Afrikaans University and has recently been sworn in as a Magistrate.

Anisa Khan has been a practicising attorney for the past 15 years. She initially commenced practicising in partnership in the name and style of Khan, Moodley & Associates in 1992. Thereafter, the name of the firm changed to CKMG Attorneys.

Currently she is practicising for her own account in the name and style of Anisa Khan Attorneys. Anisa has had an illistrous career and has acquired vast experience in almost every facet of law.
