Search Results

3 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Company Law in Klerksdorp

  1. Oosthuizen du Plooy Attorneys (Klerksdorp)
    Years of Practice: 95

    For over 90 years, Oosthuizen du Plooy Attorneys has been a reliable source of legal expertise. With a team of skilled attorneys, notaries, and conveyancers, we offer comprehensive solutions across various legal areas. We provide a variety of services, from civil litigation, property transactions, ... click for more information

  2. Albert Coetzee Attorneys Inc (Klerksdorp)

    Real relationships. Proven results. A dynamic, competent and specialised law firm assisting clients with various legal matters. We aim to deliver effective, and innovative legal representation to our clients in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. At ALCO Attorneys Inc, we strive for law practi... click for more information

  3. Eugene Harmse Ing (Klerksdorp)
    Years of Practice: 17

    Ons firma het op 22 Maart 2007 tot stand gekom met een prokureur en 'n ontvangsdame/tikster en het gegroei tot twee prokureurs en tien ondersteuningspersoneel. Ons is 'n algemene praktyk wat onder andere spesialiseer in skuldinvordering, siviele litigasie, straf litigasie, arbeidsreg en kontrakte. ... click for more information

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  5. Albert Coetzee
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    Mr. Coetzee can be described as a passionate lawyer who strives for greatness in everything that he does. He prides himself on prioritising feedback to clients, employees and other stakeholders as it is his belief that business issues stem from poor communication. Not only does Mr. Coetzee run a su... click for more information

  6. Cornelius Johannes Meiring
    Years of Practice: 29    Position: Partner

    Mr Meiring is a senior partner at Oosthuizen du Plooy. click for more information