The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

Esterhuyze Inc (Bellville, Tygervalley, Durbanville)

Phone Number:
15 Tygervalley
Areas Of Practice:
Bail, Bail (24hrs / After Hours), Blacklistings, Civil, Civil Unions, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Criminal, Custody, Debt Collections, Debt consolidation, Debt Review, Deceased Estates, Defamation, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Estates, Evictions, Family Law, Fraud, General Practice, Leases, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Partnership Agreements, Taxation, Wills
Years of Practice:
136 Edward Street, Bellville
Western Cape / Cape Town
Bellville / Durbanville
Other Offices:
Worcester: 52 Highstreet, Bloomsbuilding, Worcester - Tel 023 342 3873

We at Esterhuyze Inc focus on various branches of law such as debt collecting ( Individual and mass collections), Evictions, Divorce law and criminal law just to name a few.

Our head office is in Worcester, but about 6 years ago we found it well to expand our business, wherefore we opened a branch in Tygervalley Waterfront.

Since then, we have grown exponentially, with attorneys representing clients on a daily basis in courts all over the Cape Town area as well as Worcester and the courts surrounding Worcester.

Our company is well known in the debt collecting industry, as we collect on behalf of various doctors and schools in the Western-Cape, but our attorneys specialize in various other matters such as:

  • Bail applications ( opposed/ unnopposed)
  • After- hours bail
  • Criminal law
  • Rescissions of judgment applications
  • Rescission of debt review applications
  • Divorces
  • Evictions
  • Transferring of properties
  • Consumer protection law
  • General civil litigation
  • Maintenance
  • Ante-nuptial agreements
  • Custody
  • Urgent applications (Highcourt and lower courts)
  • Interdicts
  • Drawing of contracts
  • Wills

We always advise our clients to the best of our abilities, no matter how simple or complicated the matter at hand might be. We strive to have a personal relationship with each client and to always put his /her interest first.

Whatever the matter at hand may be, you do not have to face it alone.


Click here to view our Worcester Office details 

Francois Slabber, Danie Krynauw

Map & Directions
