Attorneys that are currently listed as practicing at Esterhuyze Inc (Worcester)

  1. Francois Slabber
    Position: Director

    Francois has twelve years post-articles experience as a civil litigation lawyer and specializes in debt collection. He is currently a director of Esterhuyze Incorporated and acts as a Commissioner for the Small Claims Court in which he presides over small claim cases. click for more information

  2. Danie Krynauw
    Years of Practice: 25    Position: Director

    Danie has been in the in the debt collecting industry since November 1999. Danie also has a special interest in Labour Relations where he provides services to various clients. He was the founder member of Prodebt Debt Collections. While managing the Debt Collection business he started to study and ... click for more information

  3. Leanda van Deventer
    Years of Practice: 12   

    Leanda is now a practicing attorney who specializes in criminal and family law, but take delight in participating in all matters of law. Matriculated in 2002 at Montana High School in Worcester. Where after she travelled through South Africa to broaden her horizons. In 2003 she started studying tow... click for more information

  4. Elzana Gerber
    Years of Practice: 6   

    Elzana has been employed by Esterhuyze Inc. since February 2011. She initially started working at our firm as a collection secretary, and enrolled for her LLB degree during June 2013 through Unisa whilst completing her articles. She was subsequently admitted as an attorney in March 2019 and has sinc... click for more information

  5. Nichole Majiedt
    Years of Practice: 5   

    Nicole assists in Criminal and Civil litigation, and who shows a special interest in Family Law matters as well. Nicole completed her Secondary Education in 2014 at Kuils River Technical High School. In 2015 Nicole pursued her aspirations of becoming an Attorney and commenced her studies at the Uni... click for more information