Attorneys that are currently listed as practicing at KWP Attorneys (Randburg)

  1. Stephen D Wingate-Pearse
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

    Stephen is a dual Irish/South African national with over 20 years of experience in intellectual property, international trade, and offshoring. He graduated with a B.A and LLB in 1996, from Wits, earning the John & Kernick Prize for the top mark in Intellectual Property and articled under Allan Levi... click for more information

  2. Gray Muchechetere
    Position: Associate

    Gray is a specialist in tax law and has a keen interest in commercial law particularly in the areas of Corporate, Contract, Banking and Finance, International Trade Law, Competition, and Securities Regulation, International Business Transactions and International Monetary Law. Gray graduated from t... click for more information

  3. Priyanka Budhu

    She has a keen interest in Intellectual Property, Commercial, Personal Injury, Environmental and Constitutional law. Priyanka graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand attaining her BA with majors in Law and Psychology in 2018 and LLB in 2020. . click for more information