Search Results

648 Attorneys or Lawyers and 562 Law Firms that practice Conveyancing in South Africa

  1. Sagree Pandaram
    Position: Partner

    Sagree Pandaram is a senior Attorney, a Conveyancer and a Notary Public and holds a Master of Laws Degree. She has successfully completed her conversion exams as a Solicitor for New South Wales, Australia. She is an experienced Property Lawyer and is the Managing Partner of the law firm based in Mar... click for more information

  2. Lazelle Paola
    Years of Practice: 28    Position: Partner

    Lazelle graduated from the University of Natal with degrees BCom and LLB in 1994. After being admitted as an attorney, notary and conveyance in 1996, Lazelle specialised in local government law and conveyancing while a partner in the property department at a Johannesburg law firm. At the end of 2000... click for more information

  3. Kailash Raman Patel
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

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  4. Diana Peczak
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Partner

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  5. Mary Peel
    Years of Practice: 23    Position: Associate

    Mary joined Strauss Scher in 2004 after having matriculated from St Catherine's Convent in Florida. Mary obtained her B.Comm at the University of Witwatersrand and completed her LLB at University of South Africa in 2001. Mary is a conveyancer and a notary public. Mary has lived in Johannesburg all ... click for more information

  6. Alisia Peens
    Position: Consultant, Conveyancing and Property Law

    Alisia grew up in Johannesburg and followed the footsteps of her father, who was a senior director of Spoor & Fischer. She holds a B.Proc degree from the University of Johannesburg (RAU) and has 39 year's experience in legal practice and has 36 year's experience as a conveyancer. Alisia followed h... click for more information

  7. Zandile Pepu
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    Zandile Pepu: is a founder and director of Pep Attorneys who is dedicated at representing people in the field of law. Her main focus and experiences are in specialising in Family law, Labour law, Employment law, Procurement law, Company law, Law of Contracts, High court Litigations, Urgent Applicati... click for more information

  8. Zandile Pepu
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    Zandile Pepu: is a founder and director of Pep Attorneys who is dedicated at representing people in the field of law. Her main focus and experiences are in specialising in Family law, Labour law, Employment law, Procurement law, Company law, Law of Contracts, High court Litigations, Urgent Applicati... click for more information

  9. Zandile Pepu
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    Zandile Pepu: is a founder and director of Pep Attorneys who is dedicated at representing people in the field of law. Her main focus and experiences are in specialising in Family law, Labour law, Employment law, Procurement law, Company law, Law of Contracts, High court Litigations, Urgent Applicati... click for more information

  10. Shamiema Petersen
    Years of Practice: 14    Position: Managing Director

    I am a hard working motivated individual who does not shy away from any challenges. I am passionate about law, and more specifically areas of law which allow me to help others. click for more information

  11. Imraan Petersen
    Years of Practice: 27    Position: Director

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  12. Robin Petterson
    Position: Partner

    Robin Petterson is a senior Attorney and Conveyancer and holds a Master of Laws degree. He is an Arbitrator and Mediator with the AFSA. click for more information

  13. Francois Pienaar
    Years of Practice: 32    Position: Founder and Director

    Francois Pienaar is the founder and director of FDP Law. Francois holds a B.Comm, LLB from the University of Stellenbosch. He commenced his articles in 1991 with Tinus Slabber & Associates and became a salaried partner in the firm within 5 years. After nearly 30 years in the legal profession, Fran... click for more information

  14. Herman Pieterse
    Years of Practice: 29    Position: Director

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  15. Marian Pieterse
    Years of Practice: 27    Position: Director

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  16. Kumaran Pillay
    Years of Practice: 8    Position: Admitted Attorney

    Adept in Legal Jurisprudence and research. Attributes include analytical and proven problem solving skills, investigation and fact finding, report writing and presentation. A highly focused individual with excellent managerial, written and verbal communication skills. Ex-Captain in the South Africa... click for more information

  17. Gino Pisanti
    Position: Director

    My drive and desire to provide an unparalleled professional service to myclients remains my main priority. Mr Pisanti prior to establishing his own law firm worked for two other very well-respected law firms in and around Johannesburg. Mr Pisanti is steadfast in the belief that the certain funda... click for more information

  18. Johann Pistorius
    Years of Practice: 28    Position: Director

    Johann Pistorius is the head of the firm's litigation department with more than 30 years' experience in dispute resolution and court proceedings. His knowledge and background in commercial and property law allows him to offer the best possible advice and assistance to clients. click for more information

  19. Danie Potgieter
    Years of Practice: 31    Position: Partner

    Mr Potgieter is an expert in Property Law, Labour Law, Law of Contract and Family Law. He also has specialised knowledge of Local Government matters. Mr Potgieter has the right of appearance in the High Court, is a Commissioner of the Small Claims Court and serves on the Examination and Fee Assessme... click for more information

  20. Benjamin Powel

    Benjamin's commitment to providing high-quality legal services and his ability to navigate various legal areas with precision are evident in his dedication to Family Law, Estate Administration, Property Law, the Law of Contract, and general civil litigation. With a keen interest in multiple facets o... click for more information

  21. Niekie Pretorius
    Years of Practice: 26    Position: Director

    Niekie is a director specialising in conveyancing at both our Langebaan and Vredenburg branches. click for more information

  22. Johannes Petrus Pretorius
    Years of Practice: 42    Position: Senior Partner

    Mr Pretorius obtained the degrees BA and BProc respectively from the University of Stellenbosch and the University of Port Elizabeth. He played rugby for the first teams of Stellenbosch University,University of Port Elizabeth, Villagers RFC and also represented Eastern Province, Boland, Western Pro... click for more information

  23. Cecilna Pretorius
    Years of Practice: 8    Position: Director

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  24. John Price
    Years of Practice: 60    Position: Practising Consultant

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  25. Marthie Prinsloo
    Years of Practice: 15    Position: Director

    Specialising in Conveyancing and Commercial work click for more information

  26. Gideon Raath
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

    I have extensive litigation experience in both high courts and magistrate's courts. We however would like to assist you beforehand so that you avoid expensive litigation costs. Please contact us for a risk assessment as soom as possible click for more information

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