Search Results

458 Attorneys or Lawyers and 448 Law Firms that practice Company Law in South Africa

  1. Alysha Wolfaardt
    Position: Director – Conveyancing & Litigation

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  2. Alude Xuba
    Position: Director

    Alude Xuba, an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa holds LLB and LLM (Mercantile Law) degrees from the University of Pretoria. In addition he holds a certificate in media law from Wits University. Prior to practicing in his own account, Alude was a legal and regulatory counsel at a ... click for more information

  3. Peter Dominic Yazbek
    Years of Practice: 51    Position: Consultant

    Admitted 1973. Expertise: Family Law; High Court Litigation; Appeal Court Litigation and Magistrate's Court [Civil] Litigation, Commercial Law Department: Head Of High/Appeal Courts click for more information

  4. Eureka Zandberg (Previously Allin)
    Years of Practice: 19    Position: Director

    Obtained her LLB degree in 2002 and commenced her legal career in 2003 at a corporate firm. Admitted as an attorney in March 2005 ad successfully established her own practice in Cape town in 2006 and later established Faber & Allin Inc. Attorneys in Johannesburg in 2008. Holds Right of appearance... click for more information

  5. Krige Zietsman
    Years of Practice: 50    Position: Consultant

    Krige is a senior attorney with more than 40 years of experience in civil litigation. click for more information

  6. Cyril Leonard Ziman
    Years of Practice: 48    Position: Director

    He was admitted as an attorney in 1967. He has enjoyed vast experience in civil and criminal law, including the arbitration, commercial litigation, corporate, insolvency (bankruptcy and winding-up) and matrimonial fields. click for more information

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